Keep two things uppermost in your mind when considering the hCG diet for losing more than 30 pounds. The first is that the pound a day loss is typically the upper limit. Rarely does anyone drop more than that. Second, the true hCG diet plan (i.e., using the real hCG hormone) is only good until resistance to the hormone sets in. Resistance begins after about six weeks of using the hormone, sometimes sooner. Here is what you have to know about preventing that from happening and so you can still lose more than 30 pounds. [Read more…]
Achieve HCG Weight Loss Like Mikki
This is an amazing story about HCG weight loss. Some days are so gratifying because of what I hear from others about their successes on the HCG protocol. Here is a completely unedited comment that I received from a reader named Mikki, who tells what is possible. Mikki is an RN, which in my mind lends an extra boost to her credibility.
- Image via Wikipedia
As I said, this is unedited…any misspellings are original, and they take nothing away from the power of Mikki’s message.
by Mikki, on July 5 2010 @ 11:21 am
I did HCG drops and began a 26 day plan. That was in early March. I am 53 and weighed Ugh 145 AFTER loading. I originally thought I wanted to lose about 15 lbs and was really doing it alongside my husband who wanted to lose more than 50 lbs. I wanted to support him and prepare his meals so it made sense to work right with him. I lost 19.5 lbs and another 1-2 while in Stabilization. My husband lost an initial 37lbs. Neither of us felt HUNGRY in the sense of feeling shakey and hungry like I might have prior to taking the HCG. I can say that like any other time I knew when it was time to eat a meal (a prescribed meal) and quickly woud feel sataisfied. We both did a second round. We both lost more weight. My husband is now down 58 lbs and I am down another solid 5. I dont see that I could lose anymore. My BMI is slightly lower than the chart normal. I now weigh 121 and 120. I wear 4 sizes smaller. Girlfriends I am in a size 2 and 4! Here is what I most want to share, I am lean. I see cuts and muscle that is now showing as if I had been doing pilates or even working out. My calf muscles are incredible. I even show contour over my abs.
I see the line of the deltoids. I see this as having removed the fat that was padding the underlying muscle underneath. Muscle is striated so now that it shows it looks cut. It is now July and there is NO weight loss, dont crave foods I used to and clearly have incentive jus to eat healthy. I eat somewhere around 1800 calories and more if I indulge in wonderful Italian breads. But I stay within the 2 lbs that has been determined as my set weight. As a practicing RN I am now helping others achieve the same great results. I believe anyone can out eat the plan and blow this. But I believe this is fast and doable! Our healthcare has changes so much. It is really now just the pharmaceutical industry!!!! So I feel we are missing opportunities for wellness that are no longer in the best interest of our scathed healthcare industry now heavily dicted to my pharmaceuticals. But bottom line I feel if you pick a source of HCG that is supported by others successes, but good general informations without modificatins and they can support their source and you follow the EXACT PROTOCOL you will achieve great success. If you are looking to disprove a product then you will be successful at that too. That would be called self sabotage! As a nures who has seen medicine take a bad U-turn I too am more confident in homeopathic and naturopathic physicians and remedies. The general medical world will endorse last resort treatment with risks such as Gastric Bypass before using something thousands lay claim to sucess! Go Figure!
One more thing my cholesterol dropped from 308 to 128 off the meds I wouldnt take anyway (statins) and my husband is off 3 BP meds and is running a avg BP of 128/79. Not bad at all when he was uppr 180s to 190 over 100~! So this girl says go for it. I see little to no risk and no need to fear 26 days!
All the best,
Dr. D
Leptin and Fat Loss During the HCG Diet
Leptin is the Master Fat Hormone, and it works by signaling the hypothalamus of the brain. The questions for fat loss now under study are starting to look at how leptin and HCG interact. The idea is that they may be using the same or similar brain receptors. It is a great topic for understanding more about how HCG works.
- Image via Wikipedia
Here is a great article that goes down the road of explaining leptin metabolism. Let me know if you have any questions, class!
Dr Mel Siff Discusses Leptin and Fat Loss
Here are some extracts from a highly informative article on leptin, a hormone secreted by fat cells that influences energy expenditure and food intake.
All the best in fat loss,
Dr. D
Related articles by Zemanta
- Leptin May Help Dieters Avoid Yo-Yo Effect to Keep Off Weight (
- Brain-Hormone Path May Explain Diabetes Without Obesity And Female Fertility (
- fitnessbytes: lose it with leptin! (
Watch How to Mix HCG Injections for Weight Loss
Nothing like a good video for seeing how to mix HCG injections. Mixing HCG can sometimes seem a little complicated. All you have to do is know how much HCG you are starting with and the concentration that you want for daily dosing. Take a look to see how it is done and how you inject it.
hCG Preparaton and Injection Demonstration using Sub Q Injection
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Medium Chain Triglyceride from Coconut Oil
The medium chain triglyceride component from coconut oil offers health benefits, unlike other fats and oils from plants. MCT oil helps with weight loss, which makes it a beneficial component of phase III of the HCG diet and beyond. It even trumps other oils for cooking, especially the highly processed ones such as canola oil and corn oil and the high-smoke ones such as olive oil.
Here is an informative post on the topic that I found at the link below:
- Image by Swamibu via Flickr
Coconut Oil: Under Rated : Nutrition Nibbles
The MCFA (medium chain fatty acids) or MCT (medium chain triglycerides) in coconut oil are different. Because of the small size of the fatty acids that make up coconut oil, they actually yield fewer calories than other fats.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Related articles by Zemanta
- Coconut Oil: The Essential Survival Item You Didn’t Know You Needed, by Sarah in Indiana (
- The Right Kinds… of Fat (
- Melt-In-Your-Mouth Coconut Oil Fudge (
What Does The HCG Diet Have To Do With Cats?
Nothing. Sometimes it is just plain fun to be a little goofy (not the Disney character!) and let out some real personality. So here goes, all you loyal visitors. The question in the title of this post arose when I got an email that an article about HCG was approved for posting on another website, which in this case is an article directory. I’m sure that it got there because I submit articles about HCG to an online article distribution service.
I kind of thought that anything I wrote about HCG would appear on directories about health or weight loss or the HCG diet. Well, in the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, USMC, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!” My article landed on this really neat website about cats:
The irony continues. I got a nice note from the website owner about posting my article. His name is Russell Clark … probably no relation. And, on top of all this, I have been a cat lover as long as I can remember. Indeed, recently I decided to start a blog about cats, too. As of today there isn’t much there, so I will have to take some time to build it up. If you just happen to be interested in how it’s going, you can visit it here:
If you happen to go there, let me know how you like my header image at the top of the page. I believe there is hardly any way to go wrong with photos of cats. I just thought those kitties at the top were too cute to pass up.
I had fun writing this silly little post about another subject that I love … in this case, cats. It’s back to the world of HCG tomorrow! Thanks for reading and putting up with my silliness today!
All the furry best,
Dr. D
HCG Diet in the News
The HCG Diet get lots of attention despite it not being a medically approved weight loss strategy. Here is one of the fairer examples of how the media are covering this protocol. It contains some of the basic information without too many idiocies (see if you can find them).
HCG Diet on the CBS News – Feb 9, 2010
It seems as though this is as good as it gets it.
All the best in your HCG Diet,
Dr. D
Here are the rest of the key points that explain the HCG Diet for Weight Loss.
Are the HCG Diet Programs for You?
You may have heard about the HCG diet from friends or family members, or read about it online at a weight loss site, but you are not sure if the HCG diet programs are for you. If you want to lose weight, get healthy, and do this quickly and safely, then the HCG diet programs are definitely for you.
HCG, which stands for Human Chorio Gonadotropin, is an all natural hormone that is found in the human body. When taken in small doses on the HCG diet programs, it actually triggers the hypothalamus gland to take stored fat cells and use them as energy that the body needs to survive. This means that you can be sleeping and burning fat while you dream away. On the HCG diet, the body uses anywhere from 2,000-3,000 calories from stored fat. Do you know how long you would have to work out to burn 2,000 calories of store fat? You could workout for five hours straight and still not reach that amount of fat cells burned in one day.
The HCG diet is like no other diet. It works to control the balance of the body and restore your metabolism back to normal. So even after you stop taking the HCG doses, you can still burn calories at a resting rate. When you restore your metabolism to where it should be, you won’t have the weight loss plateaus. You can easily reach your healthy goal weight and maintain that weight for many years to come.
One of the key aspects of the HCG diet programs is that you need to consume only 500 calories when you are on phase two of the diet or the HCG injections phase. This has to do with the body using so many calories from fat that you don’t need any more than 500 calories from food on a daily basis. Some people may think that this is a starvation diet, but a starvation diet will actually stop weight loss. On the HCG diet, you will not have weight loss plateaus to worry about. You need to make sure, though, that you follow the diet properly by eating what it says you should and not going over your 500 calories, or at least no eating more than 700 calories a day.
For anybody who has dealt with weight issues, you know that it can be frustrating trying to lose weight and keep it off. With the HCG diet programs, you no longer have to worry about this. If you follow the protocol exactly as it is outlined, you can be healthy and skinny for life.
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How to Lose Weight on the HCG Diet Program
The HCG diet program is a fast and safe way to lose weight. On the diet program it is possible to lose up to two pounds a day for as long as you are following the diet and taking the HCG doses. Some people are skeptical of the HCG diet program, but once you know how it works then you can be sure that weight loss is possible on the diet.
First of all, HCG is a natural hormone that is found in the human body. It is made in large numbers by pregnant woman to help protect their unborn baby. In fact, when a pregnancy test is taken, HCG is what is tested for. Some HCG doses are made synthetically in labs and some are actually taken from the urine of pregnant women.
The way that the doses of the HCG work on the body is that it triggers the hypothalamus gland to start using excess fat reserves in the body as energy. With exercise and diet alone, it can take a person to exercise for over an hour before they reach this fat burning zone. The HCG also works to naturally restore balance in the body and raise a person’s metabolism. With the HCG diet program, a person will lose fat but will not lose any muscle since the HCG only triggers the use of fat cells in the body.
To lose weight on the HCG diet program one must simply follow the protocol that was set forth by Dr. Simeons. A short synopsis of this protocol involves eating 500 calories a day of certain foods that are listed in the protocol. Also, these foods must be organic as the diet aims to detoxify the body, which is why the person is overweight to begin with. The 500 calories a day is only followed in the main diet phase or Phase 2 of the program. This is done in conjunction with regular doses of HCG via oral drops or injections into the body. The program lays out how much of the HCG should be injected or taken at once and on what type of schedule.
Even the HCG diet program may appear to be a starvation diet, it is far from it. There is no way that a person could lose a pound a day on a starvation diet. The body is using so many calories from the stored fat reserves that it does not need any more than 500 calories. If more than the allotted 500 calories are eaten, it may be possible to not lose any weight or to actually gain weight.
Follow the HCG diet program exactly as it is defined in the protocol and it is possible to finally lose the weight in a quick and safe manner.
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