Directions for hCG injections may vary slightly among different suppliers. Regardless of preparation technique, the ideal amount of hCG for injection is 125-150 IU per day. The original protocol by Dr. Simeons called for 125 IU regardless of starting body weight. Since hCG is a hormone, it acts in very small amounts. [Read more…]
Importance of Protein on the HCG Diet
Protein, fat, and carbohydrate all have their roles for the HCG diet. Keeping the proportions of these food groups within a narrow range is crucial for proper fat loss. Here is a valuable tip on HCG diet protein.
- Image via Wikipedia
Protein A Critical Component Of The HCG Diet – Weight Loss Tips
Protein is a key component of hCG diet plans. I will explain why the protein portion of this diet is so crucial. Protein has several metabolic effects that are critical to success when losing weight on an hCG diet. …
Publish Date: 06/05/2010 2:51
All the best in HCG dieting,
Dr. D
Related articles by Zemanta
- 5 Simple Ways to Add More Protein to Your Diet (
- Inches and Pounds Physicians Report – “Homeopathic HCG” Drops Not Recommended as Safe Weight Loss Method (
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HCG Diet Video
This HCG diet video is a great starting point for learning about the diet. It explains how to get started and gives some important pointers on the best ways to get your weight loss goal.
New to this diet? Take your first steps by watching this vlog and learn about how to start. 1. Read Pounds & Inches by Dr. Simeons which can be found here: 2. Order HCG online at this trusted site: 3. Join …
Link to
The HCG source mentioned in this video is a non-U.S. pharmacy online. I have checked it out and it is a legitimate company. The link to their site is here:
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Related articles by Zemanta
- All About the HCG Drops Diet Program – What it is and Why it Works (
- New Tablet Form of hCG Is Set to Replace hCG Injections (
Watch How to Mix HCG Injections for Weight Loss
Nothing like a good video for seeing how to mix HCG injections. Mixing HCG can sometimes seem a little complicated. All you have to do is know how much HCG you are starting with and the concentration that you want for daily dosing. Take a look to see how it is done and how you inject it.
hCG Preparaton and Injection Demonstration using Sub Q Injection
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
HCG Diet – New Perspectives
It is just plain silly that the HCG diet can be remotely considered as controversial. This hormone-directed diet protocol was established more than 50 years ago. It continues to increase in popularity because of its effectiveness. The HCG hormone targets the reduction of abnormal fat, which is not possible by diet alone or by any combination of diet and exercise. Here are some new perspectives.
HCG Diet Plan
- Image via Wikipedia
The original plan was created by a British medical doctor, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, in his clinic at the Salvator Mutidi International Hospital in Rome in the 1950s. His book, Pounds and Inches, describes his discovery and experience with the protocol. He also outlines the protocol in sufficient detail for any reader to follow it without difficulty. This book is freely available on many websites.
The purpose of this article is to provide some updated information on the HCG diet and to puncture at least a few fallacies that have arisen regarding it.
Public Perception vs Scientific Research
As you can expect, media coverage of Dr. Simeons’ protocol has been mixed. This is to be expected because of yellow journalism, not necessarily because of the merits of the protocol itself. For this reason, using HCG for weight loss has been called controversial. This controversy has been made up out of thin air.
Most of the scientific research evaluating HCG for weight loss was published in the 1960s and 1970s. Some medical researchers confirmed Dr. Simeons’ original results in controlled clinical experiments. Other medical researchers failed to confirm these results, even when following the same experimental design. If anything, this would be a legitimate source of controversy. However, media coverage has never mentioned this body of research.
500 Calories Per Day Does Not Lead To Starvation
People from all walks of life, health professionals and the public alike, rightly observe that a 500 calorie per day diet alone would be too little food for normal metabolism. What they fail to note is that the HCG hormone changes metabolism to make up for the calorie restrictions of the Simeons protocol. This means that abnormal fat becomes a source of calories for daily living.
The statement above means that you can live off of your own fat when you are using the prescribed dosages of HCG and eating the prescribed foods in the right amounts. Explaining how the protocol works in this statement comes across to some people as pure gibberish, so all they can dwell on is the fear of living on only 500 calories per day. It doesn’t seem to matter that another 2000 calories can come from their own fat.
New Perspective On How HCG Works
Dr. Simeons astutely pointed out that HCG influences fat metabolism by signaling the hypothalamus of the brain. He was guessing that this protein hormone fit into hormone receptors of some kind that were already in the brain. The exciting aspect of his guesswork is that, in 1994, a new protein hormone was discovered to influence fat metabolism by signaling the hypothalamus, too. This hormone, called leptin, is now widely known as the master fat hormone.
Current research on laboratory animals is starting to show how HCG and leptin might interact by signaling the same receptor sites in the hypothalamus. Research on this interaction is too new to show how this works. However, HCG and leptin clearly influence one another. Furthermore, the influence of leptin on insulin also leads to an indirect response between insulin and HCG. One property that all of these protein hormones share is that overexposure to each one leads to resistance. Leptin resistance leads to storage of too much fat. Insulin resistance leads to abnormal blood sugar metabolism (and fat storage) and eventually to diabetes. HCG resistance simply stops this hormone from working completely.
Unusual Side Benefits
As weight loss proceeds on the HCG diet, skin seems to shrink up, too. The benefit is that, unlike all other weight loss diets and even weight loss surgeries, skin does not get loose and saggy while you lose weight.
Some people believe that a great benefit of HCG is that it works regardless of whether they exercise. The entire protocol is effective whether you sit on the couch the whole time or run 10 miles per day, and at the same level of effectiveness either way.
Perspective of the FDA
The FDA is not a government agency that is concerned with helping us be healthy. It is the enforcement arm of the pharmaceutical industry. The position of the FDA on HCG for weight loss is irrelevant to anything useful for the public. In fact, I predict that the FDA will ban the use of this hormone for losing weight as soon as it gets enough attention to threaten the drug industry.
Fake Scary Stuff About HCG
HCG was first called the pregnancy hormone because pregnant women produce high levels of it during the first trimester. One subunit of this complex protein is also produced by women during menstruation. Comments that imply some kind of feminization of men upon taking HCG are plain silly. Quite the contrary, since bodybuilders often use HCG to restore low testosterone levels after taking an anabolic steroid series.
HCG is not just a hormone that is produced only by women. Men have the genetic machinery to produce it, too. One of the subunits shows up in measurable quantities as a product of certain kinds of cancer. It is used clinically as a marker for testicular cancer. Keep this cause and effect straight. Testicular cancer causes a positive test for HCG, not the other way around. Comments on the Internet that invoke the fear of HCG causing cancer get this cause and effect backwards.
Maintaining Long Term Weight Loss – Really?
No. Weight loss on this protocol does not grant carte blanche to eat poorly without consequences. Ice cream and cookies will make you fat, regardless of whether you lose weight on this protocol or any other kind of diet. Claims about keeping off fat forever are true only when dieters adopt appropriate lifestyle changes that support healthy weight management. It is only logical. If you do things that made you fat in the first place, then those same things will make you fat again.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
How to Mix HCG Injections for Weight Loss
Mixing HCG can sometimes seem a little complicated. All you have to do is know how much HCG you are starting with and the concentration that you want for daily dosing. Then you can calculate how much bacteriostatic water to mix with it. All the possible questions about how to mix hcg injections are answered most comprehensively in this article that just came out a few days ago. You can even get a handy little online calculator, just in case you are math-challenged!
HCG Mixing: How to Mix HCG injections for Weight Loss | HCG Weight …
- Image by psd via Flickr
Once you determine the right HCG dosage and desired shot amount for your HCG weight loss, you need to calculate the amount of Bacteriostatic water needed for HCG mixing. (Download a copy of HCG Mixing Calculator here). …
Of course, these instructions are just for those brave souls who insist on using the injectable form of HCG. My personal preference, which has worked for me and all of my clients, is still the sublingual form. Some companies that offer this form already have simple, foolproof directions for how to mix it in the right concentration for daily dosing. In fact, this is what I talk about at my Where to Order HCG link above (and here).
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Are the HCG Diet Programs for You?
You may have heard about the HCG diet from friends or family members, or read about it online at a weight loss site, but you are not sure if the HCG diet programs are for you. If you want to lose weight, get healthy, and do this quickly and safely, then the HCG diet programs are definitely for you.
HCG, which stands for Human Chorio Gonadotropin, is an all natural hormone that is found in the human body. When taken in small doses on the HCG diet programs, it actually triggers the hypothalamus gland to take stored fat cells and use them as energy that the body needs to survive. This means that you can be sleeping and burning fat while you dream away. On the HCG diet, the body uses anywhere from 2,000-3,000 calories from stored fat. Do you know how long you would have to work out to burn 2,000 calories of store fat? You could workout for five hours straight and still not reach that amount of fat cells burned in one day.
The HCG diet is like no other diet. It works to control the balance of the body and restore your metabolism back to normal. So even after you stop taking the HCG doses, you can still burn calories at a resting rate. When you restore your metabolism to where it should be, you won’t have the weight loss plateaus. You can easily reach your healthy goal weight and maintain that weight for many years to come.
One of the key aspects of the HCG diet programs is that you need to consume only 500 calories when you are on phase two of the diet or the HCG injections phase. This has to do with the body using so many calories from fat that you don’t need any more than 500 calories from food on a daily basis. Some people may think that this is a starvation diet, but a starvation diet will actually stop weight loss. On the HCG diet, you will not have weight loss plateaus to worry about. You need to make sure, though, that you follow the diet properly by eating what it says you should and not going over your 500 calories, or at least no eating more than 700 calories a day.
For anybody who has dealt with weight issues, you know that it can be frustrating trying to lose weight and keep it off. With the HCG diet programs, you no longer have to worry about this. If you follow the protocol exactly as it is outlined, you can be healthy and skinny for life.
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Watch Out for Oral HCG for Weight Loss
HCG Injections Are the Foundation for Weight Loss
Dr. A.T.W. Simeons outlined his protocol more than 50 years ago, using injections of the hormone HCG as the key for burning fat. Thousands of patients succeeded in losing weight when the hormone was accompanied by a specific, calorie-restricted diet. It is now a reputable weight loss program that has helped people lose weight permanently and more easily than any other program.
Caution on Oral HCG
The popularity of the HCG weight loss diet has fostered variations that are hard to keep up with. One of the variations is the use of an oral form of HCG instead of the original injectable form. This is a major shift in concept for introducing a complex protein hormone into the body. Proteins of all kinds taken orally only end up being digested in the mix of acids and protein-digesting enzymes of the stomach.
The take home lesson is that oral HCG, when swallowed, has very little chance of being effective before it is digested.
Sublingual HCG to the Rescue
An alternative oral form is also widely available for sublingual use. This just means that the HCG is placed under the tongue for a few minutes. The mucous membrane of the mouth is very efficient at absorbing all kinds of substances, including proteins.
The key for a sublingual HCG product to be effective is that the amount absorbed must mimic the effects of the injectable form exactly. Reputable companies have figured this out and provide directions that give you the expected results.
Comparing Injectable vs. Sublingual HCG
Both forms have to be mixed with sterile water. The similarity ends in the way they are used. The injectable form must be mixed in a vial whose lid can be penetrated by a needle. Administration requires drawing the appropriate volume into a syringe, then injecting it into your body once per day.
The sublingual form is administered from a dropper bottle, usually 5 drops twice per day. Variations depend on different products with different concentrations of HCG and different volumes of liquid per drop. It is common to mix 15 milliliters of sterile water into 12,000 I.U. of HCG, which will yield 5 drops twice per day for 27-plus days.
Injectable and sublingual forms of HCG are equivalent in their effects when used appropriately. The main reason for choosing one over another is simply a matter of personal preference or convenience. I have found that many more people are now willing to consider the HCG weight loss diet because they don’t have to self-administer the injections or go see a doctor daily to get injections administered to them. People who have objected to the need for injections now have an alternative.
What to Watch for When Buying Oral HCG
Most of the online HCG that is easy to buy is homeopathic HCG, which contains no HCG at all. Please make sure that you are getting legitimate HCG that has a clearly labeled concentration of several thousand I.U. If you see a label with 30x or some such indication of strength, this means that it is homeopathic.
The reason that I caution you on homeopathic HCG is because there is no scientific research behind this form of the hormone yet. The jury is still out.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Is Hcg Weight Loss Safe For Men: Male Hcg Side Effects
Many males looking to lose weight are interested in the use of HCG treatment. The question pertaining to male HCG side effects automatically arises. What are the male HCG side effects of use if there’s any? Are males in any danger while being on HCG Weight Loss plan? Let’s examine these questions more in depth below. If HCG is used correctly there is often little concern for side effects for both male and Female. As a matter of fact, HCG is a natural water-based hormone present in both men and women, although it is produced in great amounts in pregnant females. HCG products can safely be used by both male and female that are looking to get their weight under control. The potential male HCG side effects may include common symptoms associated with diet, such as body fatigue, headaches, irritability, and men may also begin to retain water when they first use HCG. Male HCG side effects can also include the development of soreness or tenderness right in the region where HCG injections are applied, which is a most common side effects while taking injections such as flu shot. In some cases, men have noted the development of restlessness as well, but all of the above side effects are rare in occurrence. If male HCG side effects are noted and become too bothersome, then it is highly recommended that the individual talks to his doctors or clinics for consultation. The side effects produced by HCG use differ between men and women, at least to a certain degree. Women may face more side effects than men do. For example, females who take HCG treatments for fertility purpose run the risk of developing pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and tenderness of breast tissue. However when HCG shots are used for weight loss reasons, a much smaller dosage is used (125 IU comparing to 10,000 IU for fertility purpose 10,000 IU). So there are rarely side effects reported while using HCG diet injections, or oral HCG for weight loss purpose. Any and all male HCG side effects should certainly be monitored. If any effects develop, it is safe for the user of HCG to consult with his physician. It is recommended that one stop HCG weight loss if such side effects develop at any time. Discussing one’s dieting options with a qualified medical professional are also recommended. To learn more about male HCG side effects and HCG for weight loss, I recommend you checking out HCG Weight Loss, where HCG dieters can learn all the necessary information about HCG Weight Loss and share their experiences in losing weight. This website provides tons of resources and reviews about the revolutionary and effective HCG Weight Loss programs and reviews, along with a HCG Weight Loss forum for dieters to share their challenges and successful stories on weight managment.
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Hcg for Weight Loss
The use of hCG for weight loss is once again gaining momentum with the help of 7 millions sales of Kevin Trudeau’s latest book, “The Weight Loss Cure.” Dozens of new websites including hCG Diet Info ( and numerous sub-sites to weight clinics and weight loss practitioners are springing up almost overnight. According to the editor of the hCG Diet Info website, their traffic levels have gone from a few dozen hits a week to several thousand a day almost immediately following Kevin Trudeau’s nightly infomercials.
Fact or Fad? Well, the jury is still out. hCG manufacturers declare that the hCG fertility drugs such as Pregnyl which are described in Trudeau’s book, have no effect regarding weight loss. On the other hand, long-term weight loss professionals and physicians offer thousands of hcg diet success stories. Research and reviews are posted on Dr. Belluscio’s website, hCG Obesity ( who also happened to have developed the highly demanded oral hCG pills.
The hCG weight loss protocol is declared to not only help an individual lose weight regardless if the dieter uses hCG injections or pills, but to perform a metabolic recovery, where the hypothyroid is said to be reset, boosting the metabolism and increasing the person’s ability to burn fat at a much higher rate. hCG is also said to break down body fat, causing rapid weight loss by mass even before registering on a scale. Simultaneously, it is said to protect the endogenous fat and muscle which the body needs to stay healthy, but also avoiding sagging and loose skin known of excessive of weight loss.
The debate amongst practitioners of these protocols argues that the original hCG diet protocol developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons should not be modified, as suggested by many, including Kevin Trudeau. However, thousands of dieters are following Trudeau’s advice, finding little wrong with adding large amounts of tea and organic foods to their menu as opposed to the extremely strict 500 calorie diet described in Dr. Simeons manuscript, “Pounds and Inches” (can be found at for free.) Dr. Belluscio, a devoted follower of the Dr. Simeons hcg diet protocol, reminds dieters of the extensive research that went into Dr. ATW Simeons work.
Claims of the diet being unhealthy are plenty, with questions on the use of natural hCG and the fact that it’s produced from the urine of pregnant women- however, most hCG on the market such as Pregnyl is actually synthetic. In addition, concerns that a 500 calorie diet is stressful to the body and specifically on the muscle tissue of the heart, are met with the explanation that the fat being burnt releases thousands of calories into the system before being expelled.
Regardless of these issues, hCG sales are spiking- not only for the substance itself but for related information and supplies. Unfortunately, along with this comes fraud- particularly from faux websites claiming to sell hCG and other prescription drugs. A warning from hCG Diet Info was released recently, after the editor was contacted by a woman who had wired $500 US Dollars through Western Union to a website claiming to be an overseas pharmacy offering hCG but never heard from them again. To avoid this, hCG Diet Info strongly advises hCG dieters to seek their hCG treatment through a nearby provider but if purchasing hCG on the internet, they warn individuals not to wire money via Western Union and to request reviews of sites before making a purchase.
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