HCG diet foods for phase 3 should be simple, nutritious, and delicious. In fact, comparing different ways to have lunch during phase 3 shows you how to eat for the rest of your life and enjoy your food to the fullest. Here is how to make good choices for lunch. Anybody hungry yet? [Read more…]
Shana Gains Too Much Weight On Phase 3
Take a look at this video and comment if you can help Shana. I already did so. She would clearly benefit from a steak and apple day TODAY! Share you experience with her. She needs help and has apparently lost confidence in her doctor. She has retained too much food in her system, and therefore too much water to keep it from becoming sludge. My guess is that she is also constipated. Any suggestions for her?
HcG Diet Phase 3 Day 16 WEIGHT GAIN!
ok…so I went on a 4.4 mile hike yesterday and gained 3.5 pounds! How that is possible?? Have no clue. Please comment below and give me tips. Today is 6.7.2010.
All the best,
Dr. D
The HCG Diet Phase 3 Food List
The HCG diet menu is radically different between Phase 2 and Phase 3. This list of foods clears up a lot of questions about what exactly is acceptable during Phase 3. As it turns out, this is also the ideal list of foods for long term lifestyle choices.
- Image via Wikipedia
Here are the foods to choose during Phase 3: Dairy. Almond Milk. Milk. Eggs. Plain yogurt. Snacks. Almonds. Almond Butter. Pecans. Protein. Beef. Chicken. Fish. Eggs. Hemp Protein Powder. MRM Protein Shakes. Jay Robb Protein Shakes …
Pretty tasty!
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Phase 3 Details for the HCG Diet
- Image via Wikipedia
The [tag-tec]HCG Weight Loss Diet[/tag-tec] entails a ‘[tag-tec]Phase 3[/tag-tec]’ after you stop taking the hormone. It is every bit as important as the initial weight loss for long term metabolic stability. Although Dr. Simeons’ book explained this phase, his book was not especially thorough on this topic. The following article fills in the gaps very nicely.
Phase 3 of the HCG Diet The HCG diet is a weight loss program that combines a strict low-calorie diet and the use of the hormone HCG. The diet is supervised by a medical doctor and boasts weight loss in the difficult areas of the body such as the hips, stomach and thighs. The third phase of the HCG diet is the maintenance portion of the diet, when dieters are happy to add back in some of the foods that were restricted in phases 1 and 2. Read More.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D