Normal weight fluctuations on the HCG weight loss diet often happen in spite of rigorous adherence to the protocol. Just when you think you have done everything right, weight loss stops or you experience weight gain. Here is what you should know when this happens to you. [Read more…]
How Many Calories On The HCG Weight Loss Diet?
The HCG weight loss diet is well-known for its specific foods on a Very Low Calorie Diet of 500 calories per day. This, indeed, would be a starvation diet in the absence of HCG. A common question is, how many calories can you actually consume and still be successful. The answer may surprise you. [Read more…]
HCG Weight Loss Diet Propaganda
Experts disagree about the HCG weight loss diet. Some disagreements are real, based on honest evaluations that still may be incorrect. Other disagreements are more like propaganda. Almost all articles about this protocol, pro or con, are superficial, like this one. [Read more…]
Twitter Diet Updates on HCG Weight Loss Diet
Gazillions of tweeters are busy about Twitter Diet advice and questions about the HCG weight loss diet. Here some of the latest updates. Sometimes interesting, sometimes humorous, always informative even if wrong.
- Image via Wikipedia
This diet program is unlike any other…
By tophcgdiet at 06/05/2010 9:26
By juliahullum at 06/05/2010 9:24
By Articlezu at 06/05/2010 9:15
By aAllNaturalDiet at 06/05/2010 9:09
By JessicaStewart9 at 06/05/2010 8:53
All the best for fun with the HCG weight loss diet,
Dr. D
Top 5 Ways To Beat The HCG Diet Plateau
A weight loss plateau on the HCG diet is to be expected. The HCG diet plateau may last up to a week or more if you do not take aggressive steps to stop it. Here are the best ways to do so.
The HCG Diet Plateau
This is simply the stoppage of your weight loss from one day to the next. This is why it is crucial for you to weigh yourself every day. Normal progress is a weight drop of a half a pound to a pound (sometimes more) from one day to the next.
When you weigh the same day after day, then you are on a plateau. Most people look at the lack of change as a fluke the first time they notice it. Depending on the individual, it may stop spontaneously after a couple of days. Sometimes it takes four to six days before you finally realize that you are stuck, meaning on a weight loss plateau.
1) Best Way: The Simeons Apple Day Strategy
In his book, Pounds and Inches, Dr. Simeons recommended an apple day on the very first day that you find yourself on a plateau. An apple day has two components: 1) eat nothing but six apples all day long; 2) drink as little water as possible. His explanation involves getting sludgy food moving again. It is a challenge to make sense out of this explanation in a physiological way, so just rest assured that it almost always works.
This method removes excess fluids in a hurry, so it is common for weight to drop two pounds from one day to the next. After that, your normal progress should be restored.
2) Increase Bowel Movements
Constipation and infrequent bowel movements are the main problem leading to an HCG weight loss plateau. This makes impeccable sense. You must move your bowels at least once per day during the protocol, and two or three times per day would be better.
Taking in more water is generally the easiest and most effective way to increase bowel movements. However, if this does not work as fast as you want, simply adding soluble fiber to a glass of water will accelerate the process. The easiest soluble fiber to find and use is psyllium powder. It is the main ingredient of Metamucil, although that product contains too many lousy ingredients to be recommended (e.g., sugar or aspartame, artificial color, etc.). Besides, a good nutrition store will offer pure, unadulterated psyllium powder at a much lower price than any grocery store brand.
3) Adhere More Closely to the Original Diet Protocol
Modern variations of the protocol include adding lean ground beef and mixing multiple vegetables at the same meal. The original protocol was more of a sure thing, so eliminate ground beef and have only one vegetable at a time instead of in mixed salads, etc. Also, make sure that your carbohydrate source (e.g., Melba toast) is just the right amount. You can even reduce this amount if need be.
4) Vary Your Food Sources Within the Same Day.
If you are in the habit of eating chicken breast at every meal, or otherwise the same kind of protein source, then substitute a different source for one of your meals. In other words, do not eat the same kind of meat twice in the same day. This also goes for eating the same type of fruit or the same type of vegetable. Change them up and see how this can move you off of your plateau.
5) Eat Enough!
If you think that eating less and less will be helpful, what you will find is that a too-low caloric intake will slow down your metabolism. You must eat the minimum daily amount of 500-550 calories to keep your metabolic rate just right for burning the abnormal fat from your body. When this rate goes too low, you will hit a plateau and stop losing weight. So eat enough!
All the best in overcoming your weight loss plateau,
Dr. D
Phase 3 Details for the HCG Diet
- Image via Wikipedia
The [tag-tec]HCG Weight Loss Diet[/tag-tec] entails a ‘[tag-tec]Phase 3[/tag-tec]’ after you stop taking the hormone. It is every bit as important as the initial weight loss for long term metabolic stability. Although Dr. Simeons’ book explained this phase, his book was not especially thorough on this topic. The following article fills in the gaps very nicely.
Phase 3 of the HCG Diet The HCG diet is a weight loss program that combines a strict low-calorie diet and the use of the hormone HCG. The diet is supervised by a medical doctor and boasts weight loss in the difficult areas of the body such as the hips, stomach and thighs. The third phase of the HCG diet is the maintenance portion of the diet, when dieters are happy to add back in some of the foods that were restricted in phases 1 and 2. Read More.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Where to Buy HCG
- Image via Wikipedia
Finding [TAG-TEC]where to buy HCG[/TAG-TEC] can seem pretty daunting. This is partly due to the fact that you can spend a lot of time clicking on websites that offer it, only to find that the product is homeopathic HCG.
Why I Do Not Recommend Homeopathic HCG
There is nothing wrong in principle with homeopathic medicine. One of my professional colleagues is the premier homeopathic researcher in the U.S. However, [TAG-GEC]homeopathic HCG[/TAG-TEC] violates the theory of this modality. And I have found no scientific research behind it. Lots of testimonials are positive, so I have no basis for rejecting them outright. I just see it as too much of an unknown.
Standard Sources of HCG
I have put together a brief page about how to [TAG-TEC]buy HCG online[/TAG-TEC] and from other sources, which I can change when new information comes available. The reason that I stay ready for change is that, in my opinion, the [TAG-TEC]HCG weight loss diet[/TAG-TEC] is so good that the U.S. FDA will eventually take enough notice of it to shut it down. (HCG is an approved substance, just not for weight loss.)
Take a look at that page here: WHERE TO ORDER HCG.
That’s all for now. I hope this is helpful.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D