HCG Diet Plateau – Hidden Causes
An hCG diet plateau can be a nagging problem that just doesn’t seem to go away. Let’s assume that you are not knowingly cheating on the protocol. You have done everything right and you are still stuck. The good news is that the most common hidden causes are easy to fix, once you know what they are. [Read more…]
How To Choose Your Best Diet Plan For Weight Loss
Your best diet plan for weight loss should not focus on calories. Calories are not the culprit behind weight gain. What is? HORMONE IMBALANCE. Your best diet, therefore, has to focus on restoring hormone balance. Very few weight loss diet plans do. If you really want to know how to lose weight effectively, here is what to look for in a weight loss diet plan that really works. [Read more…]
Caution About hCG Diet And Dehydration
The hCG diet shares a common issue with many other approaches to weight loss: i.e., dehydration. Weight loss during the first few days of the protocol is driven mostly by loss of fluid. Drinking plenty of water is good advice, although it is incomplete. Here is what else you should do for good health and weight loss success in the face of dehydration. [Read more…]
Latest Federal Dietary Guidelines: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The feds are at it again. The good news is that they are finally approaching sensible advice about sugar. Unfortunately, they still miss the boat in a lot of ways. I’ve posted an article on my HerbScientist.com blog with perspectives on the latest recommendations that you should be aware of. The link to that post is here: Latest Federal Dietary Guidelines: Still a Nutrition Minefield.
Let me know what you think. [Read more…]
You Do Not Eat Calories

Personal hCG Experiment – 2015
About 7 years ago my weight reached an unacceptable high point – 210 lbs, or about 30 lbs over what I thought I should be. Although panic didn’t set in, I had a hard time believing that I was that fat guy looking back at me in the mirror. What happened to that formerly svelte athlete that I still imagined myself to be?
That is when my ‘teacher’ appeared … i.e., a friend who had become noticeably slimmer in a very short time. Once he explained his success using the hCG protocol, I was off to the races. The 30-day protocol helped me shed those 30 lbs and drop about 4-5% body fat. Hallelujah! Or so I thought. [Read more…]
Good News About Cholesterol and the hCG Diet
Dr. A.T.W. Simeons commented on the cholesterol-lowering effects of his hCG weight loss protocol in the 1971 revision of his book, Pounds and Inches. Updated experimental research in 2011 confirmed and expanded on his observation. The good news is that the health benefits of his protocol are even better than previously thought. Here is why. [Read more…]
Missing Ingredient for the HCG Diet Protocol?

The hCG diet protocol entails a specific reduced-calorie diet in the presence of low dose amounts of hCG. These are the two well-known components of the protocol. A third component that drives the protocol has recently come to light: cold adaptation. Altogether these are the ‘Big Three’ for getting optimal results. Cold adaptation can be viewed as the ‘missing ingredient’ of the Holy Trinity for weight loss. Indeed, it is the Holy Trinity for much, much more. [Read more…]
Losing More Than 30 Pounds on the HCG Diet
Keep two things uppermost in your mind when considering the hCG diet for losing more than 30 pounds. The first is that the pound a day loss is typically the upper limit. Rarely does anyone drop more than that. Second, the true hCG diet plan (i.e., using the real hCG hormone) is only good until resistance to the hormone sets in. Resistance begins after about six weeks of using the hormone, sometimes sooner. Here is what you have to know about preventing that from happening and so you can still lose more than 30 pounds. [Read more…]
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