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This is easy to do
Follow bad advice!
You may already know that most diet advice is bad, because so many diets themselves are bad to start with. However, the [TAG-TEC] HCG diet[/TAG-TEC] is a good one, and it has been a good one for more than 50 years. Nevertheless, lots of bad advice about this protocol is in circulation.
The internet abounds in bad advice. Doctors have bad advice. Nutritionists and fitness trainers have bad advice. Friends, relatives, colleagues, marketers (especially marketers!) – are all sources of bad advice. They can also be sources of good advice
Your challenge is to sort out which is which and do the right thing.
Getting Good Advice on the HCG Diet
This may take a little effort on your part: Start by reading “Pounds and Inches,” the 1954 book on the [TAG-TEC]HCG weight loss diet[/TAG-TEC] by its creator, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. Then compare all other advice with what you learn there. You will find no mention in this book of cleansing, detoxing, homeopathic HCG, recommended supplements, or many other modifications of the protocol.
Is any of this new stuff any good? Some is, and some isn’t. Cleansing and detoxing are fine, just not required. Homeopathic HCG has no scientific support and may not even work (it contains no HCG at all). Supplements may be helpful if you choose the right ones. (Skip acai berry and hoodia … these are ridiculous.)
Just one more pointer: You must get the right dose of HCG on a daily basis. This can be either in the form of injections, which is the original form, or in the form of sublingual drops. Either one works, as long as you get the right amount of HCG daily.
Where to Get the Original Simeons Book for Free
The Simeons book is free on many websites. This is all you need for getting started. I have a pretty clean copy that you can get when you fill out the report request form in the righthand column of this page. It is just a little bonus thank you from me.
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All the best in natural health,
Dr. D