The HCG diet has been around for awhile, but lately is has been garnering more attention as more people come forward with their weight loss success stories. The HCG diet was researched and developed by Dr. Simeons as a cure to fight the obesity epidemic that we have in our world today. Dr. Simeons wrote a HCG diet protocol in his manuscript called Pounds and Inches, but for many people, this manuscript is not the easiest to understand. If you are interested in the HCG diet and losing weight, here is what you should know about the diet.
HCG, which stands for Human Chorio Gonadotropin, is a natural hormone that is found in both men and women. When you are born, you are born with a certain amount of HCG and the only time that more is made is when a woman becomes pregnant. This hormone works in conjunction with the hypothalamus gland to help regulate body fat, control emotions, and help to develop reproductive organs. The main reason why people need to supplement their body with more of this hormone is because so many of our foods and things in our environment contain toxins that will actually strip the HCG from your body. Such things like antibiotics will remove some of the HCG from your body.
Dr. Simeons founded the HCG diet on the foundation that taking extra amounts of the hormone will help you to regain balance with your body and lose the extra weight you may be carrying. He paired the HCG doses with a specific low calorie diet to come up with a way that a person can easily lose one pound a day while on the HCG diet. The HCG works with the body to burn the stored fat that you have accumulated while maintaining the muscle in your body.
The diet is all natural. As mentioned before, the hormone is already produced by your body, but it may be lacking and needs to be replenished. Unlike other fad diets that claim to help you lose weight quickly, the HCG diet is all natural and does not contain any harmful chemicals. The dose of the hormone can be taken orally with a dropper or they can be injected with a syringe.
The HCG diet is not a fly-by program. It does take real dedication to stick to the proper eating and the daily dose of HCG. Fortunately, most people who have started the program easily saw huge results within the first week, which is great motivation to stick to the plan.
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