Nachos are a staple food here in the Southwest. Unfortunately, they contain way too many carbs for any approved HCG diet phase 3 recipes. If you’ve still got to have your nachos, here is way to make them without ruining your progress on Phase 3. In fact this is an ideal recipe for life. It certainly is a hit at our house.
HCG Diet Recipes for the Long Haul
It has been a long time since I finished my previous protocol, and I am still looking for tasty dishes that will be helpful for my own long-term weight management. My general approach is to stay low carb and have plenty of protein and fat to be sure that I get the right amount of the right kind of calories.
The inspiration for my new dish hit me while I was idling at a stop light, wondering what I could grab for dinner on the way home. My mind kept wandering to nachos, even though I wasn’t really wanting to have a plate of corn chips. At first I thought I’d just have to put the whole idea out of mind.
Then I started wondering about what I might be able to use as a substitute for chips. During the low-carb craze a few years ago I probably would have stopped by my local low-carb store and picked up some soy-protein chips. This time I got the inspiration for a radically different substitute for corn chips: thin slices of yellow squash. Hey, I love yellow squash, so why not!
All I did was slice up a squash, lay it out on a plate, place a small chunk of cheese on each slice, and heat it up until the cheese melted. To be specific, I nuked it in the microwave oven for 60 seconds. Then I decorated it with the usual suspects: guacamole, picante sauce, and a touch of sour cream.
Here is what the whole process ended up looking like, in contrast to a standard nacho dish.

Okay, I made up the photo so it would look interesting. You get the idea.
Did it fool my taste buds? Not a chance! Was it delicious anyway? Absolutely. My taste-tester (Eve) gave it thumbs up, too. In fact, she would have included it in her after-HCG recipe book if I had created it a few months ago. All I can say it that this recipe represents an idea whose time has just arrived.
I hope you enjoy it!
What Do You Think?
I am always curious about how my creations go over with others. Let me know what you think about the new nachos, whether you’ve made them yet or not, and maybe we will come up with ways to improve on this and other hcg diet recipes that are already out there.
Just leave a comment or a question on this post and let me know. Thanks!
All the best for new HCG diet recipes,
Dr. D